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Ralph Muhle’s massage combines the best of two kinds. I couldn’t describe it in a different way. It is neither Yoga nor a classic massage. Surprisingly I was able to relax and let myself go even though I am a brain-driven person who likes to keep control over a situation. After the session I could doze as long as I wanted. Ralph isn’t a masseur he is a relaxer. By stretching my body through soft movements he seemed to communicate directly with my soul. I have never had such an experience before.
2011.01.16., Arndt Aschenbeck

"What a pity. Already over?"

2010.08.26., Guest at Suitehotel Hamburg

Since your fantastic back massage I have never had pain until now.
2009.03.19., Jeanette Harting Candido

With his fingers Ralph softly eases tensions and stretches and moves my body, which feels more comfortable than ever before. I feel  the energy starting to flow causing a kind of easiness within in me, which I tend to forget in the everyday life. The conversation rounds up the session, it serves as little coaching and (gibt mir raum-verstehe nicht was damit gemeint ist), and assists me in coming back to everyday life. Ralph, thank you so much for the treatment. I have learned a lot from and with you.
• 2007.08.22., Anne Hentschel - natural health professional

For about 5 months I have the pleasure of experiencing the massages of Ralph Muhle. At first I was surprised by the uncommon kind of massage – lying on the floor, covered with clothes. However all my concerns were gone by no later than an hour. Through intensive stretching and relaxing of all my muscles and ligaments PaAtma-Yoga Massage helps me to forget the daily stress for a while. I enjoy a massage every 4 weeks and listen to my body more carefully. Altogether I feel more relaxed and have learned to relax in stressful situations.
2007.05.31., Till Pfaff - businessAGENTUR24



Phone: +49 40 69702890 | Info[at]PaAtMaYogaMassage[punkt]de | Weißenburger Straße 3 | 22049 Hamburg